Monday, March 28, 2011

Jamie's Letter March 29, 2011

Hola a todos :)

Well, a quick update on life. Hna Lopez is doing fine. She's had some nausea throughout this week, but nothing too serious. We have spent some time in the hospital waiting. I got to watch my first CT Scan on Tuesday. Or Wednesday. I can't remember. It's all kind of a blur. It was relatively uneventful. The results were normal, and now we have pretty pictures of Hna Lopez's brain! :) (We joke that they are filled with flowers, as they have sort of become our logo to draw flowers everywhere :) The doctor said that because everything is normal, she must be missing some sort of substance in her brain, so he prescribed her something to take. We called and talked to President Chipman (who also is a doctor) and he said not to take the pills. He called a doctor up at the U of U to talk about what happened, and he says he thinks she might have some sort of parasite if I remember correctly. Anywho, it means more tests for her, which she is not excited for. She doesn't like hospitals.

I read the letter about Jordan. That kind of scares me, because I think that is more of a possibility for me to contract it too, being here. I'll definitely have to use my bug spray. He'll definitely be in my prayers.

The package I got was the package of music, which I was very very excited for! Thank you so much! I haven't gotten another letter yet, but it's possible that I'll get it Thursday (when we have our meetings for this week). I've heard some about the tsunami in Japan. I haven't seen much coverage of it (understandably) but the people here are praying for those people that have been affected by it. I think there is some risk for earthquakes here (there was a really big one I guess in 2007, quite a bit further south than where I am). I really was excited over brownies too :) I've found a couple of cake mixes, but they cost 10 soles (about 4 dollars) and I haven't felt like I needed to. However, if you want to send me any cake mixes, I'd welcome them :) I actually have a little list of things you can send me. One thing we like to do at FHE's with people is make pancakes-something they aren't used to but are relatively easy to make. I was wondering if you could send me a couple of little bottles of maple to make syrup with to have with them :) Also, a baby Book of Mormon (in English) that I can take with me, some Pilot Pen refils, a contact case or two. And if Laura has time, (or someone) make me some "feliz cumpleaƱos" cards that I can send to the converts when it's their birthday. My thoughts for now :)

Well, this week has had it's ups and downs. Because of Hna Lopez's health, we haven't spent quite as much time working as we would have liked, but I've told her that if she doesn't rest for a little bit now, she'll have to rest for a lot later. Despite all of this though, we defintiely have had many blessings from the Lord. Hna Kelly was baptized on Saturday!! She and a young girl named Stefanny were baptized. It was such a wonderful experience. I kind of can't believe that Kelly was baptized. She was the very very first lesson that I ever taught in the mission field, and now, 3 months later, she's baptized!! (One downside though-she and her baby were sick, so she couldn't come to church for her confirmation...and because of General Conference on the 3rd, and elections on the 10th (when we don't hold meetings) she won't be confirmed until the 17th. But we'll keep working with her).

We also are blessed with other investigators. Hno Cesar, the husband of our Primary President isn't a member (his wife has been a member for probably 15 years, and is one of our best member missionaries), and we've been meeting with him a little bit. He's come to church multiple times. He has expressed a desire to change. One of the things that has impeded his progress is the Word of Wisdom. He doesn't drink at home, but he feels bad to turn down a drink from a friend. This is something else we've been helping him with. Last night, we had a great lesson with him. We started off by asking him how he felt to be a son of God, and he said "I'm happy to know this." Then we asked him what he could do to show his love to God, and he said "Well, be baptized, yes?" We were kind of...yeah!! You should be baptized!! We didn't say that, but we proceeded to have a lesson about baptism, and at the end, we invited him to be baptized on April 16. He was hesitant, saying he would do it someday. We then knelt down, and asked him to pray, specifically, if he needed to be baptized on this day. I could really feel the Spirit, and I was praying so hard for him to feel the answer to his prayer. Afterwards, he said he felt calm, peaceful, something he had never really felt before. We told him that this was the Spirit. We asked him to put the 16th as his goal, and asked him to pray every day this week, and he could give us a final answer on Sunday. He said yes!! I feel really blessed to be able to see the work of so many other missionaries and prayers that have gone before me.

One thing that has been on my mind this week too are transfers (or cambios). I really have not wanted to change at all. I love my companion, my district, my zone, and I really have not wanted to change. This morning, we got together with our zone. Some of the people that I love are leaving, but those in my district are staying, as well as Hna Lopez and I! Han Lopez has never spent more than 2 cambios with one companion-and now we're going to be together for 3 cambios! I'm so excited! Our district leader, Eld Torrez, is also staying. With all of the baptisms in our area, he and his companion have come to Monsefu almost every week, and we've become good friends with them. We're happy with where we are right now, and that we have another 6 weeks to work hard and bring more souls unto Christ.

Well, I think this is my letter for today. I love you all so much! Thank you for all of your prayers in my behalf. The Gospel is true!
Hna Williams

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